Open Arms Project

A communication tool for the Open Arms Project, whose mission is to help religious educators of all faiths welcome and support every learner.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Networking in DC

Last week I was at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (the professional organization for religious studies and theology professors), and I attended an amazing session about religion and disability in congregational and seminary settings. We had a great conversation about creating open and welcoming congregations, and the other attendees seemed really interested in our project (I saw lots of pens moving when I mentioned John's book!).

Among the people I met were Ginny Thornburgh of the National Organization on Disability's Religion and Disability Program and Bill Gaventa, Director of Community and Congregational Supports at the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities. I also learned about a program called SPRED, a Roman Catholic religious education program for special needs students. I was so excited to meet these wonderful people and hear about their work that I was practically jumping out of my chair!

By the way, I would love for us to consider as a long-term goal working with Monarch and one or more faith communities to host a "That All May Worship" conference.

I'll bring the handouts from the session to our next meeting, so you can all look over them.


Blogger John said...

Miranda, awesome job of representing Open Arms and Monarch! Can't wait to hear more!

11:00 AM  

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